Tuesday 22 March 2011

How to buy on-line  without a Credit Card:-

Identity theft is a major problem for the online shopping and internet is the hub of identity theft. You can’t even imagine that a scripted code is waiting for you put in your information so it may copy it and send it to the hacker who has sent it. So do we have any other option for online shopping? Yes through temporary credit cards you can use them solely for online shopping; through this you can separate your information and your bank accounts sensitive information.  For instance if a scammer or the hacker gets your temporary cards information, the information available would have been already expired or used by you for buying stuff online.

Following the service provider of Temporary Credit Cards their procedures are simple and user friendly.

PayPal Virtual Master Card
PayPal offers the user a Virtual MasterCard where you can use your PayPal funds to purchase online temporarily for the time. This feature can be acquired by downloading the PayPal Debit Bar; it is actually a bar at the top of your display screen where your numbers will generate. It can be used as a Virtual MasterCard on the websites that accepts your account. Virtual MasterCard is free with your PayPal account. I am using it for online shopping and it works perfectly well for me.

Second option for online shopping would be Visa Gift Card
Visa Gift Card can be used where ever Visa is accepted. More the amount you add to the card more you can spend it means that limit is in your hands. It also gives the same protections as offered by Visa Card like if your card is stolen or lost it can be replaced but the only drawback of this card is it is not re-loadable. I have never used it but many of my friends have told that it is a very good option that’s why I would recommend you to make payments through it.

Third option could be of MasterCard Gift card
It is accepted where ever you will see MasterCard sign and logo. This gift card can be minimum of $5 and maximum of $ 2500. So you can charge any amount within that.
There are many other options also available in different regions and different websites but as I had an experience of a couple of the above mentioned cards so I would recommend them. At the same time these companies are worldly known and accepted.
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