Thursday 24 March 2011

Credit Cards: Friend of yours or an opponent?

Credit Cards are the financial tools which should be used properly. By mistake if you are not aware of your tool you may hurt yourself badly.This is the reason i have shown one picture on the title page showing Credit Card as a monster.Still it is the greatest possible way for you to establish credit in the early part of your career. They also offer you liquidity and if managed properly they can make you responsible and they can show your responsibility level to others as well.

Is Student Credit Card an option for you?

Is Student Credit Card an option for you?

Student Credit card is offered for young people who are under 21 and it could be an option for you because it carries following advantages.

  •  It is the best options to plan out your life. Many Credit providers give you a large variety of tools beyond just credit to make sure you maintain the best quality life possible for you.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

How to buy on-line  without a Credit Card:-

Identity theft is a major problem for the online shopping and internet is the hub of identity theft. You can’t even imagine that a scripted code is waiting for you put in your information so it may copy it and send it to the hacker who has sent it. So do we have any other option for online shopping? Yes through temporary credit cards you can use them solely for online shopping; through this you can separate your information and your bank accounts sensitive information.  For instance if a scammer or the hacker gets your temporary cards information, the information available would have been already expired or used by you for buying stuff online.

Sunday 20 March 2011

How to go for a secure Credit Card

Build your life by a secure credit card:-

These are closely related to your personal checking or saving accounts. They are also pretty much same as those of unsecured credit cards with only a few differences. In place of the creditor giving you a prefixed line of credit, you can identify your own credit line with accordance of your savings account or checking list. Your bank account also used as collateral. If you fail to pay your bill on time the minimum amount will be deducted straight away from your account.

How to protect Credit Card Information

Protect your Credit Card Information:-

In the past many things take a long time and effort to be increased but with the technological development we have seen difference in accomplishing such things without or a minute Work. In old days you either go all the way to your bank or call a credit card issuer about getting a card or you may fill out the random applications in the mail. You wait for about 6 weeks and if lucky you’d get the eagerly awaited response. And all the suspense which was build up burst as you open your envelop. Even I had a similar sort of experience while I applied for my Credit Card. My experience was a little bad , I couldn’t receive it at my home that’s why I had to go to my Bank to collect my parcel.